Alright fine u may say it's for the Game Manager= = But u better specified it - -
No one is gonna understand what u're talkin abt= =
哩個已經唔係sentence structure or punctuation 既問題
而係你連最basic, 你既target reader都唔清楚
喂喂=,= 我唔知你地係咪識既= =
Just like wt I've said before
Please stop doing sth that is a pain in the ass. Admit wt u've done and not to be a candy-ass anymore, plz =) Thx for ur attention=)作者: pYo洛 時間: 2014-6-16 17:36:06
Alright fine u may say it's for the Game Manager= = But u better specified it - -
No one is gonna understand what u're talkin abt= =
哩個已經唔係sentence structure or punctuation 既問題
而係你連最basic, 你既target reader都唔清楚
喂喂=,= 我唔知你地係咪識既= =
Just like wt I've said before
Please stop doing sth that is a pain in the ass. Admit wt u've done and not to be a candy-ass anymore, plz =) Thx for ur attention=)
That's all of my reply=) And that's also the final one=)
Plz dnt look forward to my reply anymore
We are indeed in a different channel=) Thx for ur attention
補充內容 (2014-6-16 18:19):
Plz dnt hesitate to ''contact'' the dictionary for help if any misunderstanding of my poor ''Chinglish'' is caused=)作者: pYo洛 時間: 2014-6-16 19:20:55